The public health industry has been significantly transformed by the advert and evolution of digital technologies. In the last decade, the landscape has drastically changed with smartphone technologies, wearables, the internet of things (IoT), and, even more so, with high-speed connectivity becoming ubiquitous. With them came new ways for […]
AISSIGHealth Best Paper Award 2020
The Special Interest Group on Health (SIG-Health) of the Association for Information Systems will award its annual Best Published Paper Award in 2020. There will be a Junior and a Senior award category when at least 5 submissions are received in each category. For each category, there will be a […]
HICSS Call for Papers: Ubiquitous and Comprehensive Healthcare: Expanding Technologies and Systems to Enable New Delivery Models
Health happens everywhere, though healthcare has traditionally been contained to predefined environments. Whether at home, work, school, or traveling abroad, healthcare is in demand outside the walls of these traditional healthcare facilities. A wide range of organizations (e.g., pharmacies, retailers, tech firms, large employers) are filling gaps in the marketplace […]