Listserv coming …

We are creating a listserv for our members. I’m allowed to add 10 people at a time and only 100 per day. So, it will take me a few days to complete it. But it should be done by Oct 10. – Gondy Leroy, President SIG Health

Announcing the 2014 AIS SIGHealth Best Paper Award Results

Review Team Gary Hackbarth (Valdosta State University), Debra VanderMeer (Florida International Univesrity), Weidong Xia (Florida International University), and Gondy Leroy (University of Arizona) Winners 2014 Best Student Paper Award Authors: Pasi Karppinen, Tuomas Lehto, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen (University of Oulu), Timo Pätiälä, Osmo Saarelma (Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd.) Title: Using Hermeneutics […]