HICSS deadline

Dear members, we would like you inform you on the HICSS deadlines: From now to June 1 [Optional] : Prepare Abstracts. Then, contact MINITRACK CHAIRS for guidance and indication of appropriate content. June 15: Authors submit full papers by this date, following the AUTHOR INSTRUCTIONS. All papers will be submitted […]

AMCIS 2008: IT in health care

The AMCIS 2008 health care track sponsored by SIGhealth serves as a forum at which researchers (and practitioners) can come together to discuss issues related to the application of information technology in a health care setting.  The following are our accepted mini-Tracks: – HCI for HealthCare Applications , Nina McGarry – […]

Kay-CGU Annual Symposium reduction for SIGhealth members!

We are pleased to send this special early invitation to the Kay-CGU Annual Symposium (http://kaycentersymposium.cgu.edu) where we are offering a two and onehalf day educational workshop giving an in-depth look at the latest research, systems, and practice in Consumer Health Informatics. This course provides a unique opportunity to engage in […]