CALL FOR PAPERS: E-health and Telecommunications in Healthcare (ETH) Mini-Symposium at WTS 2013

Twelfth Annual Wireless Telecommuncations Symposium (WTS 2013) April 17-19, 2013, Phoenix, Arizona, USA Technical Co-Sponsor: IEEE Communications Society We invite the submission of applied research papers to the E-health and Telecommunications in Healthcare (ETH) Mini-Symposium at the 12th Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, WTS 2013, which will be held April 17-19, […]

CALL FOR PAPERS: Journal: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Special issue on “eHealth and Healthcare Service Transformation.” With the pervasive nature of Internet-based technologies, healthcare services are undergoing significant transformation wherein both providers and consumers have access to information for making informed decisions yielding the best possible outcomes. On the one hand, providers are adopting or upgrading to state-of-the-art IT, aiming to improve organizational efficiency, access […]

CALL FOR PAPERS: Health Policy and Technology

New launch from Elsevier in collaboration with the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine (FPM) Health Policy and Technology (HPT) is a peer-reviewed, cross-disciplinary journal which focuses on past, present and future health policy and the role of technology in clinical and non-clinical health environments HPT publishes relevant, timely and accessible articles […]