Frequent questions from our members include where can we go to get feedback on work in progress, learn more about grants, and learn how to write for a health informatics journal. Join funders, researchers, editors, and leaders in health information systems to obtain some answers and insight. In addition, […]
Dissertation Consumer Empowerment in Healthcare Information Exchange, Drye Cannoy, Sherrie (2008)
We are pleased to announce the following dissertation: Consumer Empowerment in Healthcare Information Exchange:  An Investigation Using the Grounded Theory Approach. University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro; Advisors:  A.F. Salam and Lakshmi Iyer. by Drye Cannoy, Sherrie (2008). Download the dissertation at: (Scroll to the Research […]
AMCIS 2009 8/6/09 San Francisco (Submit 1/2/09)
Joined: 24 Jan 2008 Posts: 29 Location: University of Nebraska, USA AMCIS 2009 8/6/09 San Francisco (Submit 1/2/09) The AMCIS 2009 program will include state-of-the-art research and broad-interest tutorials, tracks and mini-tracks offering high-quality research papers, panels from experts in academia and industry, and highly skill-oriented workshops. AMCIS 2009 […]