Collaboration Opportunities between VA and University (PDF File) Presented by: Bengisu Tulu, PhD Assistant Professor, School of Business, Worcester Polytechnic Institute CeHIPT Co-Founder & Executive Council Member at: SIGHEALTH Workshop at AMCIS 2011 Detroit, Michigan, USA August 4th, 2011
PRESENTATION: Creating a Successful NSF Grant Proposal
Creating a Successful NSF Grant Proposal (PDF File) Presented by: Diane Strong, PhD Professor, School of Business, Worcester Polytechnic Institute CeHIPT Co-Founder & Executive Council Member at: SIGHEALTH Workshop at AMCIS 2011 Detroit, Michigan, USA August 4th, 2011
COMMENT: NIST Usability Proposal Open for Public Comments
The NIST is seeking public comments on the draft proposal (pdf) on the “Technical Evaluation, Testing and Validation of the Usability of Electronic Health Records”. The IS community has a wealth of experience to contribute on this topic. I skimmed the draft and it is a great start but I […]