Please find the October 2012 newsletter attached in a pdf format. Â This fall newsletter issue details our SIGHealth President’s report, as well as upcoming networking and publication opportunities. Â The October newsletter also highlights SIGHealth member’s accomplishments and community news. Newsletter October 2012
SIGHealth Newsletter July 2012
Please find the July 2012 newsletter attached in a pdf format. This newsletter issue details our SIGHealth President’s report, as well as AMCIS 2012 SIGHealth workshops, meetings, sessions, and panels. The newsletter also highlights upcoming networking and publication opportunities. Newsletter July 2012
SIGHealth Newsletter April 2012
Please find the April 2012 newsletter attached in a pdf format. This newsletter issue details our SIGHealth President’s report, as well as AMCIS 2012 and ECIS 2012 accepted papers and posters. The newsletter also highlights upcoming networking and publication opportunities. Newsletter April 2012