ANNOUNCING the new e-health focus at the 22nd Bled eConference, Slovenia,
Most industries have by now made significant progress in the e-domain. One notable exception is healthcare. Healthcare globally is a clear laggard in the use of e-technologies. Paradoxically it is likely that e-health may hold the key in addressing many of the current challenges in healthcare.
Governments in both US and EU have recognized this, and are encouraging various forms of e-health solutions. We have set out to foster research in this area: for the first time the Bled eConference is hosting a special focus on e-health, with a panel, a workshop and sessions on e-health.
What will make this conference special is that we strongly encourage papers that bridge the gap between academia and healthcare practice. So, when you have an application that worked or failed in the e-health domain: write a paper about that and submit it.
Some topics to get your thinking process started:
– governance and e-health
– e-health stakeholders
– barriers and facilitators in e-health
– privacy and security issues for e-health
– success and failure of e-health applications in medicine and monitoring,
cure and care
– simulation and robotic applications in healthcare
– telemedicine or telehealth solutions
For practitioners and young researchers that want to submit, we provide a
‘friendly review’ service to raise the quality of their work before submitting.
To make sure that your work on an article has an outlet beyond the typical
conference proceedings, the International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology; IJBET ( has agreed to publish a special issue of the best papers.
Bled is a place to meet fellow researchers, practitioners and people from
industry; not only e-health, but the full range of the e-domain is covered.
The location is excellent, and travel and hotel is not expensive.
Important dates:
– Abstract or concept for friendly review – not compulsory – due 20th Dec
email to the e-health co-ordinator Daphne Kooistra
– Submission of paper – as per all Bled eConference submissions – due 13th February, 2009
Submit via web site ( also send a copy to
– Notification of acceptance – 1st April 2009
– Submission of camera ready version – 1st May 2009
– 14-17 June 2009 Conference!
If you do not feel like writing a paper, but you want to be part of a panel
or tutor a workshop: send your proposal via email- due 15th Jan 2009 – to
the e-health co-ordinator Daphne Kooistra
Any questions please email the e-health co-ordinator Daphne Kooistra
We enjoyed the Bled conference in 2008, and we hope you enjoy it with us in
June 2009!
Ann Fruhling, PhD
Research Director for STATPack,
Director, Center for Public Health Informatics at the University of Nebraska at Omaha