President Elect: Jim Ryan


Dr. Jim Ryan is an Associate Professor of Information Systems in the College of Business of Auburn University at Montgomery.  His research interests include information technology (IT) applications in healthcare, strategic information systems planning, information security awareness, as well as IT in business management applications.  A large portion of his research in healthcare concerns process improvements and observed effects associated with an on-going longitudinal study of IT applications deployed within the perioperative process of a large academic medical center.  Since 2004, he has published over 40 refereed papers (e.g. 65% of the publications in healthcare) in academic journals and conference proceedings.

Jim has been a member of AIS since 2002 and affiliated with SIGHealth since 2009.  His service to SIGHealth includes Newsletter Editor since 2009, Treasurer 2016 to 2018, minitrack chair 2014 to 2018, and meeting facilitator at HICSS luncheons and the AMCIS business meetings.



Treasurer: Ann Fruhling


Dr. Ann Fruhling, PhD, MBA is the Charles W. and Margre H. Durham Distinguished Professor in the College of Information Science and Technology and the founding Director of the School of Interdisciplinary Informatics at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The School provides opportunities for collaboration with other disciplines through sharing curriculum and collaborative applied research. The four degrees offered by the School are Cybersecurity, Bioinformatics, Biomedical Informatics and IT Innovation.  Her field of research is analyzing and solving information systems development problems that span the spectrum from efficient requirements elicitation processes and best practices in user interface design and systems development methods to post-implementation evaluation of user acceptance. Her specialty niche is public/clinical health informatics. Dr. Fruhling has been a principal investigator or co-principal investigator on over 40 research projects with total funding in excess of $8.2 million.  She has been awarded funding from several national agencies such as NIH, NASA, DOD, DOT, CDC, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Dr. Fruhling has written over 80 publications.  Her research studies have appeared in publications including Journal Management Information Systems, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Computer Information Systems, International Journal of Electronic Health Care, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research and the Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application. She also has book chapters in Value Based Software Engineering, Patient-Centered E-Health, and Advances in Management Information Systems and numerous conference papers.

SIG Health Activities:

  • Financial CHAIR, SIG E-HEALTH (2009-2014)
  • Co-CHAIR SIG E-HEALTH workshop co-coordinator (2011)
  • Publication CHAIR, SIG E-HEALTH (2007-2009)
  • SIG E-HEALTH member since 2005
