Review Team

Gary Hackbarth (Valdosta State University), Debra VanderMeer (Florida International Univesrity), Weidong Xia (Florida International University), and Gondy Leroy (University of Arizona)


2014 Best Student Paper Award

Authors: Pasi Karppinen, Tuomas Lehto, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen (University of Oulu), Timo Pätiälä, Osmo Saarelma (Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd.)

Title: Using Hermeneutics to uncover Anomalies for Non-Adoption of Behavior Change Support Systems


2014 Best Paper Award

Authors: Jim Ryan (Troy University, Phenix City and Auburn University Montgomery), Barbara Doster, Sandra Daily (University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital), Carmen Lewis (Troy University, Phenix City)

Title: A Balanced Perspective to Perioperative Process Management Aligned to Hospital Strategy


2014 Meritorious Mentions

Authors: Diane Strong (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Olga Volkoff (Simon Fraser University), Sharon A. Johnson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Lori R. Pelletier (UMass Memorial Healthcare), Bengisu Tulu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Isa Bar-On (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), John Trudel, Lawrence Garber (Reliant Medical Group)

Title: A Theory of Organization-EHR Affordance Actualization


Authors: Tonia San Nicolas-Rocca (San Jose State University), Benjamin Schooley (University of South Carolina), Seong-Jong Joo (Colorado State University)

Title: Design and Development of a Patient-Centered EHealth System to Improve Patient Understanding at Discharge
