Celebrating its 25th Anniversary in 2009, TEPR is the premier health IT conference for physicians, healthcare executives, and HIT professionals seeking the most innovative, cutting-edge and practical solutions today’s health IT issues. Informative educational sessions, thought-provoking discussions, and an intimate exhibit hall make TEPR the ideal destination for all those in the process of making important health IT decisions.
Through 25 years of TEPR, Medical Records Institute has played a guiding role in the progression towards electronic health records and just as healthcare IT grown through these years, so has our vision for TEPR. In 2009 Medical Records Institute (MRI) will introduce TEPR+, the evolution of the Towards the Electronic Patient Record Conference.
TEPR+ promises the innovative thinking, new technologies, and practical ideas that you’ve come to expect from TEPR, but with a wider focus on the range of healthcare IT solutions both currently available and developing. We’ll provide more programming on the difficulties that arise with the incorporation of IT and discuss the cutting-edge technologies that will change the way we understand health IT today. TEPR+ – the evolution of TEPR and the future of health IT.
Ann Fruhling, PhD
Research Director for STATPack,
Director, Center for Public Health Informatics at the University of Nebraska at Omaha