The AMCIS 2008 health care track sponsored by SIGhealth serves as a forum at which researchers (and practitioners) can come together to discuss issues related to the application of information technology in a health care setting.  The following are our accepted mini-Tracks:
– HCI for HealthCare Applications , Nina McGarry
– Adoption of Innovations in Healthcare Socio-Cultural Perspectives, Ebrahim Randeree, Mia Lustria, Darrell Burke
– Measuring Returns on IT investments in Healthcare, Ebrahim Randeree, Darrell Burke, Nir Menachemi, Ronald Spanjers
– Reforming Healthcare  Policies, Practices and Processes, Matthew W. Guah, Wendy L. Currie, Kerstin Fink
– Integrating the Digital Healthcare Enterprise, Elliot B. Sloane, Gondy Leroy, Steve Sheetz
– e-knowledge in Healthcare Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Rajeev K. Bali,  M. Chris Gibbons, Eliezer (Elie) Geisler
– Consumer-Centric Health Information Systems Bengisu, Tulu Samir, Chatterjee, Thomas A. Horan
– Emergency Response Systems, Alexander McLeod, Darrell Carpenter, in collaboration with SIGSEC
Adoption and Diffusion of IT in the Healthcare Industry, Richard Klein, Jason Bennett Thatcher, in collaboration with SIGADIT

Details on AMCIS 2008 SIGhealth mini-tracks.
We hope that you will all contribute to increase our presence at AMCIS!

More to come… Track Chair, Mark Gaynor